Our desander was developed and released for production in 2005 as a precast desander. The aim was to save length and thus construction costs and to ensure rapid installation on site.
Furthermore, the Desander should be sunk into the ground completely in order to protect people and animals from drowning and to not visually distort the landscape. Another important argument was that the particles deposited in the desander had to be flushed in such a way that fish, crabs and other animals living in the water would not be harmed. We achieved this by using a sophisticated flushing process in conjunction with our power plant control system. According to expert opinions, the Desander is ECOLOGICALLY VERY VALUABLE (see Download DI PARTHL). The entire Desander is divided into 2 chambers. In these chambers there are so-called brake lamellas, which reduce water velocity by selective deflection and guarantee sediment deposition in front of the outlet valves. Self-developed highly efficient calculation programs guarantee the optimal design of the Desander for your application. In any case, the use of the Desander guarantees the longevity of the subsequent machines/turbines/plant components.